Celebrating Our Centennial Year
Eighth Street Mennonite Church
Celebrating Our Centennial Year
“A Body that Lives” — This year, we will hear stories of those who
had the vision and courage to begin this church’s ministry, as well
as those who have continued to respond to God’s calling in this congregation,
our community and world over the last 100 years.
You are invited to join these and other activities of the church to
mark this milestone year.
February 10: Beginnings of Eighth Street Mennonite Church
Worship & Carry-in meal
April 28–During Sunday School, we will gather at 616 S 5th Street
to remember the First Meeting of the congregation.
We will then walk to 8th Street to conclude our session.
August 2: Celebration of Art and Visual Creativity
Aug 2 (5:00pm-8:00pm): First Friday, 8th Street Art Show, Quilt display and garden walk.
August 9 – 11: Celebration and Homecoming Weekend
Aug. 9 (7:00pm): “A Body that Lives” – Acknowledging God’s activity through our stories
Aug. 10 (7:00pm): Celebration of Music with Doyle & Mary Jo Preheim, Matt Swihart, Arlene Steffen, Christine Gerig Way, and Melissa Fisher Fast as well as current 8th Street members.
Aug. 11 (9:30am): Worship and Brunch to follow.
November 24: Conclusion of celebrations
Worship – Communion
Thanksgiving meal