Eighth Street Church Library
Click here to search the library online catalog.
Location of church library
Library books and videos are on shelves in the church office.
Books for adults are on the shelves closest to the windows.
Children’s books are on the opposite wall.
Library hours
The library is open during weekly office hours and on Sunday morning.
All books may be checked out of the library unless clearly marked otherwise.
Please return books as soon as you have finished with them so that others may enjoy them.
Check-out and return books on the small shelf by the double doors.
To check out a book, put your name and current date on the card at the back of the book. Leave the card in the small black box on the shelf.
To return a book, leave it on the same small shelf. The librarian will put the card back in the book and will return the book to the shelf.
Please send suggestions to Eileen Saner using her email address in the church directory.
Check with Eileen if you wish to donate a book to the library.
Donations will be considered for inclusion on the basis of anticipated readership.