Church Activities
Highlights through the Year
Choir: All adults and youth are welcome rehearse in the sanctuary at 8:30am on the first and third Sundays of the month. The choir typically sings in morning worship on those Sundays.
Mennonite Women: Eighth Street Mennonite Women meet regularly throughout the year for fellowship and service. Activities include work days, Christmas and Spring Celebrations, an annual outing, and an end-of-the year picnic.
Muffins with Pastors: On the eighth day of every month, seniors of the congregation gather with the pastors for snacks and conversation at the local retirement center.
Midweek Meals: At 6:00pm on the third Wednesday of the month, all are invited to eat supper in the Fellowship Hall. Each month, a different group prepares and serves the meal.
Senior Lunch: Older adults from the congregation eat together in a local restaurant at regular times each month.
Weekend Meals for Students at Chandler Elementary: Every month, a group travels in the church bus to the Food Bank of Michiana in South Bend to fill backpacks with non-perishable food items. On Friday, two Eighth Street members put the backpacks in the lockers of Chandler students who have been selected by the school social worker based on need.
Fall Season
Neighborhood Pancake Breakfast: In late August, we welcome our neighbors to a free pancake breakfast, typically hosted on the front lawn of the church. This outdoor event is an opportunity to engage our local community.
Relief Sale: On the fourth weekend in September, Eighth Street volunteers serve fruit smoothies at the Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale. All proceeds from this intergenerational effort benefit Mennonite Central Committee.
Fall Celebration: We gather at a park pavilion to enjoy a picnic meal, recreation, and often live music. Fun for all ages.
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: Twice a year, the Congregational Care Commission invites people to be either a host or a guest and organizes the groups. This is a great way to get to know people within the Eighth Street Church family.
Thanksgiving Meal: On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, the Kitchen Committee hosts a Thanksgiving meal after church. Turkey and the trimmings are provided and everyone is invited to bring a salad or dessert to share.
Winter Season
Children’s Christmas Program: Children ages 2 through 5th grade participate in the telling/acting/singing of the Christmas story each year. A performance not to be missed!
Youth Winter Retreat: Senior Youth and Junior Youth each have their own winter retreat weekend at Camp Friedenswald. This is an opportunity to strengthen relationships within the Eighth Street group and and with youth from other churches. Worship, challenging speakers, and winter sports round out the weekend.
Spring Season
Service in Mississippi: Each year, a group of volunteers travels to Meridian, Mississippi to serve with Jubilee Mennonite, our sister church. The group does projects at the church, at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp, and at various social service agencies in the area. There are many opportunities for interaction during the road trip, at meals, and working with people from the church and community. Some years, folks from Jubilee Mennonite come to Goshen to serve in our community.
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: The spring version of a congregational favorite. The organizers match up hosts and guests. Only the host knows in advance who will come.
Women’s Celebration: This event for women and girls includes a short program appealing to all ages, table fellowship, and a meal.
Easter Feast: After the worship service, the celebration of Easter continues with a “feast” in the Fellowship Hall: sweet breads, fruit, and chocolate fountains.
Spring Clean Up Day: On a designated Saturday, volunteers tackle clean-up and fix-up projects identified by the trustees. It is a good way to spruce up the church after the winter months and to socialize at the same time!
Graduate Recognition: During morning worship, high school, college, and seminary graduates are recognized for the milestone they are passing. Each receives an original ceramic bowl made by church member.
Summer Season
June Church Picnic: The summer season opens with a picnic at a local park. Food and fellowship for all ages.
Bible School: In early June, Eighth Street participates in a week of Bible school with other local Mennonite churches. Children and adults encounter biblical themes through drama, crafts, and stories.
Youth Summer Activity: Every summer, senior youth and their sponsors spend a week together for the purpose of building community, exploring faith, service learning, and fun. The group attends the Mennonite Youth Convention every fourth year. Other adventures include canoeing in the Boundary Waters of northern Minnesota, a week of service in Goshen, and a week of service at a distant location.