Pastoral Team

Brenda Sawatzky Paetkau (she/her) began pastoring at Eighth Street in 1994. Believing that all of life reveals God’s activity in the world, she is privileged to accompany people of all ages in blessing and pain, questions and convictions, doubts and faith, worship and living. Brenda appreciates this congregation’s commitment to join God’s activity through its Mission and Vision.
She has a Bachelor of Theology from Canadian Mennonite Bible College, a Bachelor of Psychology degree from University of Winnipeg and an M. Div from Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, where she also received training as a Spiritual Director.
Brenda’s hobbies include walking, reading, knitting, golf, and travel.

Julia Gingrich (she/her) began pastoring at Eighth Street on July 1, 2015. Believing that worship inspires witness, she is energized by relationships that link the congregation to peace and justice initiatives in Elkhart County and beyond. These partnerships include: the Re-entry Housing Program of the Elkhart County Jail Ministry, the Poor People’s Campaign of Northern Indiana, and the Repair Network of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition.
She has a B.S. of Sociology from Eastern Mennonite University, and an M. Div from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary.
Julia delights in walking, biking, sharing food with friends, and spending time with her husband and two school-age daughters.