In-person Worship on Sundays at 9:30 am

Preschool General Information

Mission Statement

Eighth Street Preschool is a service of Eighth Street Mennonite Church and shares values consistent with the Mennonite Church. Eighth Street Preschool emphasizes discovery learning and social interactions developmentally appropriate for 3-5 year-olds. We believe all children can learn and grow in a safe and inclusive environment. 

School Year Details


What will my child do at preschool on a typical day?

Our day begins with group circle time which includes sharing, reading, singing and exploring a theme-based curriculum. Each day children participate in learning centers such as art, manipulatives, toys, dramatic play and block building. Our day also includes a time for snack and large motor activities where children play outside or in the activity center. The 4-year-old classes use Tools of the Mind curriculum.

Contact Us

Eighth Street Preschool
602 S. 8th St.
Goshen, IN 46526
Phone: (574) 533-6720