Worship at Eighth Street
Worship is the center of the congregation’s life. Worship directs our attention to God, so that we are formed more and more into the likeness of Christ. Worship at Eighth Street:
- is centered on scripture texts from the Revised Common Lectionary or the Narrative Lectionary .
- is thematic: prayers, hymns and congregational responses explore a theme chosen from the lectionary reading for its illumination of the congregation’s mission and spiritual life.
- pays special attention to various seasons of the liturgical year, including Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.
- tends to a formal worship style. The planned, structured flow allows for exploration of biblical and theological themes from an intentionally Anabaptist perspective, while allowing space for sharing joys and concerns to be lifted corporately to God in prayer.
Music and art play cherished roles in our worship. Congregational singing is sometimes accompanied by pipe organ, piano, or other instruments, and is sometimes a capella. Hymns are drawn primarily from Voices Together, supplemented by selections from Hymnal: A Worship Book and other sources. Special music, provided by people of all ages, includes vocal, choral, and instrumental pieces. The congregation’s commitments to welcome and to theological depth and breadth result in selections from a variety of historical periods, genres, and cultural backgrounds. The seasons of the Church Year are depicted by sanctuary art of painted silk, created by Juanita Yoder. The center panel remains all year, while the side panels change for each liturgical season.